Manakahthey Among Japath

Manakahthey Among Japath can often be hard to see, until now

Compare Manakahthey to Different Languages of the Line of Japath

Proto-Turkic, a tribe from the line of Japath

Do the symbols look like a confused or mix up version of Manakahthey?


Does Proto-Turkic looks Greek?

The Manakahthey language was mixed up among all people. Some symbols in the Proto-Turkic language area also similar to Greek symobols.

Greek and Turkish are Similar Languages, from Japath

Although visually, you can see similarities, most words are mixed up when compared to Manakahthey.

for the record, the Roman Edomite Empire, conquered Greek and you can see that in their appearance. It doesn’t mean Edomites are Greek, it means, some Greeks are Edomites, others are not. This isn’t a history lesson though.

Proto-Mongolic, sounded closer to Manakahthey

Play the video below starting on 7 min & 30 sec… to see How Middle Mongolian sounded closer to Manakahthey. The sounds of words have changed throughout time. The video below is an excellent example.

Kahn in Manakahthey means “Priest”, but in Mongolian it meant “King”. Evidence of Manakahthey can be heard in the below video about Proto-Mongolic. The original Mongolic language probablly sounded similar to what Manakahthey symbols sounded like.




Author of Book "Primitive Sign Language". I am Itharey in Zephaniah 3:9-10. I bring Manakahthey. Please be patient as I continue to add lessons and hand signs to this site.

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